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Consultation with in-depth knowledge and process expertise

W&H has been active in the extrusion retrofitting business for 15 years and has successfully completed more than 3,500 retrofit projects worldwide. This business profits from the company’s more than 50 years of market leadership with new machines. The installation and support is provided by the worldwide W&H Sales and Service network. Over 350 experienced service technicians from the 12 service centers work worldwide. This enables comprehensive support from the offer to the on-site commissioning – always with the goal of putting the system back into production as rapidly as possible and minimizing downtimes.

Read more about successful retrofits...

New air ring technology for an OPTIMEXGaviplas S.L., Spainread now
New XP cooling ring for a VAREXPT Plasindo Lestari, Indonesiaread now
New MDO technology for a VAREX IIPlastigaur, Spainread now
Production Boost by ModernizationCNP, Tunisiaread now
Air ring retrofit boosts output by 10% - 60%.W&Hread now
Turbostart reduces downtime and scrap ratesW&Hread now
Retrofits for MondiMondi Jackson, USAread now
Replacement of the air ring insertKIVO Flexible Plastics, Netherlandsread now

... or watch the video below to find out how our customer Bischof + Klein views retrofitting and what they have to say about their latest extrusion line retrofit.