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Eco-Friendly Materials

Plastics or Paper? Water or Solvent? Our flexible packaging experts can show you different ways to produce your sustainable flexible packaging solution.

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Plastics or Paper? We do both!

What is the best flexible packaging for your good? In some cases only plastics can provide the necessary protective values, in others paper is the best solutions. As an expert for machinery for flexible packaging made of paper, woven and film we can provide valuable input to find the right packaging solution for your good.



W&H printing experts offer technical advice on how package printers can temporarily switch their machines, designed for solvent-based inks, to water-based inks.

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Read more about how we take action to create a sustainable future

Greenovation - Our way to a sustainable future

Providing the best technologie for our customers is one important part of our contribution to a sustainable future. Read more about our other activities in Economical, Social and Governance Sustainability.

To Greenovation