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Made with a Functional Barrier Coating during the Printing Process

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Your Benefits at a glance

Recyclable Pet Food Bag

  • Add barrier functionality to MDO PE-film with printed PVOH barrier
  • Excellent production efficiency of MDO PE-film produced on 3200 mm VAREX II with inline MDO
  • Proven Recyclability


  • Superior print quality with high throughput and productivity
  • Fast and easy adaption of barrier coatings (e.g. type, application weight)
  • Flexibility to apply PVOH to a wide range of materials (e.g. MDO-PE, OPP, paper)

One Pager


With our barrier coated pet food bag, we are demonstrating a proven circular economy film concept. This pet food bag is designed for recyclability, the highest efficiency and packaging performance.

  • Stretched, wide and stiff MDO PE-film
  • MDO PE-film was coated with PVOH barrier on our MIRAFLEX II printing machine with inliner technology
  • Laminated onto a PE sealing film


Why Miraflex II with Inliner?

Freshness and quality are important, especially for packaged food products. To achieve these, the barrier properties of the packaging used are crucial. W&H has been working with various market leading partners to further develop barrier coating technology for packaging products as a sustainable and flexible alternative to multi-layer packaging material.

Best print quality

The robust print deck design, drying capabilities and web handling are the base for the superior print quality of the MIRAFLEX II.

Efficient inline processes
Choose between flexo and gravure inline solutions with high-capacity drying systems, especially for water-based coatings.

Fast changeovers
Integrated EASY modules for impression and register setting allow quick, waste-minimizing set-up and job changes. TURBOCLEAN with diaphragm orelectric pumps guarantees exceptional cleaning results and most efficient ink and solvent usage.W&H's approach on sustainable flexo production.
