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Post-consumer Collation Shrink

New Collation Shrink film using less natural resources through the use of more Post-Consumer Recycle (PCR)

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Your benefits at a glance

Post-consumer Collation Shrink

Why choose this film:

  • Collation shrink using 20 % post-consumer recycle
  • Shrinkage and mechanical properties equivalent to conventional film
  • Enables customers to make a sustainable choice when buying packed goods


Why choose this W&H machine:

  • Optimized extrusion line: 3 or 5 layers for wide range of PE-applications
  • Cost effective blown film line with state-of-the-art technology
  • Full integration of all machine components for WINDMÖLLER & HÖLSCHER’S control and automation system

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All about Post-Consumer Material in Collation Shrink

Plastic will continue to play an important role in flexible packaging and has to become in future a part of circular economy solutions. The new collation shrink film is using re-granulated PE taken from post-consumer waste. The packaging keeps its optical and mechanical properties.

WINDMÖLLER & HÖLSCHER takes responsibility for the implementation of sustainable packaging solutions for now and in the future.

  • Less natural resources consumed with the use of recycled PE resins
  • Recycled PE is made of post-consumer waste
  • Mechanical properties and machine processability equivalent to all virgin material

Our Partner

The Total Polymers Business Unit is part of the Refining & Chemicals division of the Total Group. In the field of polymers, Total combines its industry leading technologies, capabilities and expertise in catalysis, processes and products to provide high performance and sustainable solutions for its customers. Total uses renewable bio-sourced and recycled feedstocks and supports initiatives that aim to reduce its carbon footprint, in line with its commitment to better energy.


The OPTIMEX II is made for almost all POD recipes found on the market. The LT and HPS screws do not only process conventional polyolefines but also recycled materials and even bio-based plastics.

  • OPTIMEX II extruders deliver excellent melt quality
  • Field-proven MAXICONE die head concept – the perfect fit for your application
  • ARCTIS cooling system ensures perfect film quality at maximum output and best film tolerances
  • Full integration of all machine components to enable our unique control and automation system
  • Large collapsing unit for excellent flatness
  • Intelligent automation modules for economic production


You can see our machines live at our Technology Center in Lengerich. Please contact your sales representative if you are interested in a live demonstration.

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Learn more about the innovative 3-layer and 5-layer polyolefine dedicated blown film line.

To machine