Glenroy is Ready!
Press Training in Lengerich Prepares Team for New MIRAFLEX II

Front l to r: Chris Demler, Mike Jones, Jon Kreitzer, Todd Krupa (W&H). Back l to r: (W&H trainer) Michael Köhne, Richie Klein, Jon Bartsch, Keith Trzebiatowski, Jason Gundrum, Thomas Klinge (W&H Trainer)
While getting ready for the arrival of their first W&H press, WI-based Glenroy, Inc. sent a team of eight - one person from each shift crew - to Lengerich for training. “It was an investment the company made to give our team the best possible start on the press,” said Keith Trzebiatowski, Printing Manager at Glenroy.
“Initially I was hesitant to go, but once we were in Germany at W&H and getting professional training from experts, I realized what a wise investment it was - both in terms of time and money,” added Trzebiatowski.
The team spent five days in Lengerich, in classroom sessions and getting hands-on experience on press with the trainers. “It was an amazing experience; first was learning the basics of how to operate the press. Then it came time to run the line with automation and one of our team members said, ‘How can it get even easier?’” recounted Richie Klein, Product Development Engineer at Glenroy.
The experience was also an effective team building experience. “Our people saw that we are investing in their success and their future. They also saw that W&H is doing the same, which strengthened our partnership.” added Klein.
The new press, a 10-color MIRAFLEX II, is expected to be up and running at Glenroy this summer.