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EASY2 Change

Autopilot to Success

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Your benefits at a glance

EASY2 Change

  • Operator guidance for error prevention
  • Integrated bubble shape and frostline check
  • Automatic setting of all components, including air ring

One Pager

Why EASY2 Change?

The new EASY2 Change assistance system supports the operator during every necessary step of a product changeover. Thanks to an intuitive HMI, the operator maintains full transparency and control throughout the changeover. Innovative technology detects the bubble shape and frostline, ensuring reproducible high film quality.

  • Overview and direct guide to pending tasks
  • Integration of fully automated air ring ARCTIS II
  • Integration of proven automation features from systems like EASY Change, EASY Wind, TURBOCLEAN, Profile Booster, (and more)

Compared to an experienced operator, the number of necessary clicks for a product change is reduced by more than 70 % and the time needed is cut by more than a half - and all that with a certainty that no errors are made.