Middle East Africa
Middle East Africa in figures
For how long has W&H been active in Middle East Africa? | since 1993 |
How many countries are serviced in the region? | 78 |
How many offices are in the region? | 1 incl. Service Center |
How many team members work in the region? | 159 |

Shri Werlemann-Gupta
Mr. Werlemann-Gupta, please introduce yourself and your region
I started my journey with the W&H family in the late 80s. W&H started a liaison office in India in 1993 after years of scouting the Indian market from Europe. Our aim was to use the organisation primarily for service and started the service station in 1997 with 4 technicians.
Today, our team of 159 people working in Africa, Middle East, and the Indian Subcontinent are devoted to going above and beyond to ensure customer satisfaction.
Customers are pleased to find a highly motivated crew devoted to their needs.
We have a very skilled service staff that was trained in Germany, and every member of that team speaks German in addition to having been "German engineered".
We are truly IN IT TO WIN IT - with our Highly Motivated Achievers.
Team Event 2023
Plastindia 1997
The first interviews with the technicians in 1997
Afghanistan | Cameroon | Reunion |
Egypt | Cape Verde | Ruanda |
Algerien | Kenia | Sambia |
Angola | Comoros | Saudi-Arabia |
Äquatorialguine | Congo | Senegal |
Äthiopien | Kuwait | Seychelles |
Bahrain | Lesotho | Sierra Leone |
Bangladesch | Lebanon | Zimbabwe |
Benin | Liberia | Somalia |
Botsuana | Libya | Sri Lanka |
Burkina-Faso | Madagascar | South Africa |
Burundi | Malawi | Sudan |
Dschibuti | Mali | Swaziland |
Elfenbeinküste | Marocco | Syria |
Eritrea | Mauritania | Tanzania |
Gabun | Mauritius | Togo |
Gambia | Mozambique | Chad |
Ghana | Namibia | Tunisia |
Guinea | Nepal | Uganda |
Guinea-Bissau | Niger | United Arab Emirates |
India | Nigeria | West Sahara |
Irak | Oman | Central African Republic |
Yemen | Pakistan | |
Jordan | Qatar |