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Retrofits for Extrusion Machinery

Prepare your machines for the future

Technology Center

Learn more about our 10.000 sqm Technology Center for Extrusion, Printing and Converting - the largest in the market.

Technology Center


First-class support throughout the entire lifetime of the machine



Find the right training for your employees.


W&H Studios

Your W&H experts explain W&H technology live and in colour - whenever and wherever you want. That's why we now have W&H Studios, the digital library for W&H webinars. All videos are available with subtitles in up to 11 languages. And of course, your personal W&H contact will be happy to assist you with any questions afterwards.

W&H Studios

Get your personal consultation

Searching for the right solution? W&H is an expert in the market of flexible packaging and knows the whole value chain: From extrusion to printing and converting.

Contact us