For the fifth time in a row, the Academy receives an award from the Focus magazine as one of the best vocational training companies in Germany 2022. W&H was ranked 24th among the major companies in the industry ranking for mechanical and plant engineering. The rating is based on social listening and the evaluation of questionnaires.

W&H currently employs 61 trainees, including 15 dual students, in seven apprenticeships and five courses of study. Last year, one trainee graduated as the best in NRW in the profession of technical systems planner, while six others achieved a final grade with an A average. "With our very good framework conditions, we at the Academy give young people the best possible start to their professional lives and, in the best case, a career in the W&H Group. This, coupled with the personal passion of the trainers, is obviously also perceived independently of W&H and is once again confirmed by the award", reports Olaf Heymann-Riedel, Managing Director of the W&H Academy.
The ranking by Focus Money and Deutschland Test is based on a study by the Institute for Management and Economic Research, which examined Germany's 20,000 companies with the most employees. An analysis of various Internet sources - so-called social listening - was carried out. In addition, comprehensive and structured online questionnaires were sent to the companies and evaluated. The overall result is a combination of the points from both methods.